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Accepting Youth Referrals

We offer Education Consultation/Youth Services to provides free, statewide consultation and support services to children and youth, aged 0-21, with a documented brain injury.

To refer a survivor, click here.

2025 Brain Injury Conference

Leading the Way Brain Injury Conference will be held Thusday, March 13th at the Arvada Center in Arvada, CO. Our conference is designed for professionals working with survivors of a brain injury. The conference will address the intersections between brain injury, mental health, homelessness, legal involvement, employment, and military service, featuring speakers who are Leading The Way as experts in these fields. Attendees will leave with tangible knowledge on how to support survivors experiencing these challenges.


My favorite part of PPC was seeing all the smiling faces and excitement of survivors, family and friends of survivors, and professionals all united to raise awareness about brain injury.

— Donna


I’m very grateful that I got connected to other survivors and people who have similar interests through BIAC! One of the biggest highlights of my recovery was snowboarding through BIAC.

— Zach