Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado

2025 Adaptive Recreation Schedule


Doctors Form MUST be signed by a doctor to participate

Challenge by Choice #1

June 15-20 $2,250

River rafting, ropes course, hand cycling, wall climbing, theme dance. Program staffed by volunteers, registered nurse, and Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center (BOEC) experienced staff/instructors & interns. Accommodation is at the Scott Griffith Lodge in Breckenridge.

Challenge by Choice #2

July 6-11 $2,250

River rafting, ropes course, hand cycling, wall climbing, theme dance. Program staffed by volunteers, registered nurse, and Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center (BOEC) experienced staff/instructors and interns. Accommodation is at the Scott Griffith Lodge in Breckenridge.

Challenge by Choice #3

August 3-8 $2,250

River rafting, ropes course, hand cycling, wall climbing, theme dance. Program staffed by volunteers, registered nurse, and Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center (BOEC) experienced staff/instructors and interns. Accommodation is at the Scott Griffith Lodge in Breckenridge.

Ruby Horse Thief Canyon Canoe Excursion

August 16-20 $1,250

Join us for a gentle float downstream and enjoy the scenery you only thought existed. You will be travel by van to Grand Junction and put into the water there and take out in Utah, CO! Rumor has it you might see a bald eagle or two. You will experience team building, rafting, camping on shore cooking, fishing, swimming, splashing, and star gazing. The journey begins and ends at the Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center (BOEC). Accommodations at the beginning and end of your trip will be at the Scott Griffith Lodge in Breckenridge.

Creative Minds 

September 12-15 $1,000

Cooking, hiking, field trips, poetry, painting, journaling, movement, karaoke, laughter, dancing and socializing.  Program staffed by volunteers, registered nurse, and Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center (BOEC) experienced staff/instructors and interns. Accommodation is at the Scott Griffith Lodge in Breckenridge.

Contact Information

Darcy Epeneter

Program Manager- Adaptive Recreation/Activities
Phone: 720-547-6168